• V. Zdir Cherkasy State Business College
  • Yu. Kulik Cherkasy State Business College
  • N. Gligalo Cherkasy State Business College
Keywords: agricultural sector, agrarian production, financing, investment climate, business, agroclimatic risks


The main problems related to the financing of agrarian production in Ukraine have been identified. In modern conditions of managing the products of agrarian sector acquires strategic importance, so the accumulated experience of development of financial relations in the agricultural sector objectively formed the priority sources of attraction of financial resources of agricultural enterprises and directions of their use in the industry. Despite the measures taken to improve the financial climate and increasing attractiveness of the agricultural sector, borrowed capital does not flow to agriculture at the levels needed by the industry. The main important reasons for the shortfall in additional financial resources is a high risk of seasonal production, the lack of profitability of separate types of activity of agricultural enterprises, insufficient domestic investment resources in other sectors, which are currently sent to more attractive areas of management. Activation of financial policy in the agricultural sector of Ukraine requires solution of a number of problems associated primarily with the interest of economic entities in the investment of financial resources. Therefore, an effective source of financial support should be own and attracted financial resources. State financial policy must take this into account and influence through improved tax policy in the agricultural sector. Tax rates should be reduced to differentiate their effectiveness. In addition, as the investment affects the nature of production of agricultural products in different climatic conditions has its corresponding character. This condition should affect the pricing mechanism of investment resources. The basic categories of financing of agricultural producers have been determined. Speaking of state support, special attention should be paid to the expansion of state participation on a commercial basis in production, storage, sale of agricultural products, creation of favorable conditions for realization of food credits both at the state and at the regional level, support for producers of products with interbank, interregional and national importance, attracting investors. Given the regional support for financial activities, it is necessary to pay attention to the competitive way of allocating financial resources for industrial purposes and to support the scientific and technical equipment of the industry, enhancing the potential of interregional food exchange of the region with substantiation of effective food ties and the intensity of inventory and supply flows and consumer regions, creation of a system for monitoring the provision of investment resources to agricultural production, implemented marketing concept development entities, activating the growth and effective use of production capacity and technological level of production.


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How to Cite
Zdir, V., Kulik, Y., & Gligalo, N. (2019). FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING SUPPORT OF UKRAINE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION. Economic Scope, (152), 81-92.