Keywords: pricing, entreprise, competition, pricing policy


Pricing plays a pivotal role in marketing planning, shaping the success and profitability of businesses. This annotation explores the multifaceted nature of pricing as a strategic tool in marketing, highlights various pricing strategies employed by companies. Cost-based pricing involves setting prices based on production costs and desired profit margins. Competitor-based pricing entails benchmarking prices against rival products to maintain competitiveness. Customer-based pricing focuses on determining prices based on customer preferences, perceived value, and willingness to pay. Examining these pricing approaches allows businesses to identify the most suitable strategy for their products or services. Factors such as production costs, market demand, competition, and target customer segments need to be carefully analyzed when making pricing decisions. Effective pricing strategies should strike a balance between attracting customers, maximizing revenue, and achieving profitability. By understanding pricing dynamics, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts. They can align pricing with their overall marketing objectives, differentiate their offerings, and create perceived value for customers. Moreover, pricing strategies can be adapted to accommodate changes in market conditions, customer preferences, and competitive landscapes. The research shows that the right pricing can have a significant impact on the success of a business. Improper pricing may result in loss competitiveness, low profitability or even losses. Therefore, choosing an appropriate pricing strategy is an important task for managers and marketers. When choosing a pricing strategy, companies must consider many factors, such as production costs, raw material costs, competitive prices, consumer preferences, elasticity of demand, and others. Analysis of these factors helps to establish optimal prices that satisfy the needs of customers, ensure profitability and maintain the competitiveness of the company. Additionally, it is important to note that pricing strategies are not static and may change over time.


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How to Cite
Kochevoy, M., KolesnіkO., & Vlasova, H. (2024). PRICING AS A MARKETING PLANNING TOOL. Economic Scope, (190), 275-279.