• Oleksandr Ponomarov National Aviation University
  • Tetiana Ostapenko National Aviation University
  • Oleksandr Onopriienko National Aviation University
Keywords: administrative management, project management, investment project


The purpose of the article is to study the impact of administrative management on the implementation of projects in investment activity. Administrative management acts as an organiser of project activities in the investment sphere. The authors have analysed the algorithm of administrative management and identified its components that should be applied in the practice of investment activity. The research methodology used was a systematic approach and a structural analysis, as well as the method of comparison. The process of administrative management of an investment project has been presented as a sequence of steps or stages, which include planning, organisation, execution and control. A general outline of this process is provided hereunder. This process can be iterative, with changes and adjustments made at different stages of the project depending on changes in internal and external conditions. The main goal of investment project administration is to ensure the efficient use of resources and the achievement of project goals. Developing an investment project charter is an important step in the process of project preparation and implementation. The charter is a document that formalises the main aspects of the project, its goals, terms and conditions, and the procedure for its implementation. Here are some key elements that are usually included in an investment project charter: project name and description; goals and objectives; management structure; budget and financial terms; implementation schedule; implementation conditions; reporting and monitoring system; termination conditions. An analysis of the investment project and business plan is provided in the article. Administrative management in the investment projects management includes the use of various tools and methods to ensure effective planning, organisation, control and implementation of projects. Key administrative management tools that can be used to manage investment projects are as follows: SWOT analysis; PESTLE analysis; Gantt chart; RACI responsibility matrix; project management methodologies are: Methodologies such as PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments), Agile, Scrum; customer relationship management systems (CRM); financial analysis and control.


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How to Cite
Ponomarov, O., Ostapenko, T., & Onopriienko, O. (2024). ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT IN INVESTMENT PROJECT CONTROL. Economic Scope, (190), 340-347.