• О. Kakhovych Prydniprovska state academy od civil engineering and architecture
  • V. Lysenko Prydniprovska state academy od civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: bank competitiveness, international competitiveness of the bank, banking sector, competitive advantages, competitiveness management


The current stage of the development of the credit and financial system has been characterized by instability and high competition between its subjects. That is why the issue of assessing the competitiveness of the bank as a unit of the credit and financial system, which reveals weaknesses and emphasizes competitive advantages, is coming to the fore. In connection with the constantly changing world economy, the definition of the concept of "international competitiveness of the bank" as well as approaches to managing the competitiveness of the bank require updating and detailed analysis. In this article, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of recent researches, the concept of "international bank competitiveness" has been defined. It has been proposed to determine the international competitiveness of the bank as one that is related to the ability to efficiently realize the Bank's ability to create competitive products and services, as well as its ability to offset the threats of the globalized market. The methods of assessing the competitive advantages of the bank, which include a differential, complex, mixed method of evaluation, have been analyzed. In world practice, the most widely used method of bank scoring, the RATE technique and the method of "information observation". The approaches to managing the competitiveness of the bank are considered. Most scientific sources highlight the following approaches to managing the international competitiveness of a commercial bank: systemic, procedural and situational. However, at the present stage, the issue of increasing the efficiency of commercial banks is pressing, which necessitates the introduction of fundamentally new methods of managing a banking institution.


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How to Cite
KakhovychО., & Lysenko, V. (2018). INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS OF THE BANK AND METHODS OF ITS EVALUATION. Economic Scope, (139), 136-144. Retrieved from