Keywords: economic protection, enterprises, analysis, international activity


In order to study the position of use of tools of economic protection of enterprises in the conditions of international activity, the article forms a sequence that provides for the appropriate order of analysis, starting from the study of world trends (studying the tools of economic protection of enterprises; identifying trends in their use in the context of international activity), supplementing them with statistical analysis at the level of state and interstate processes (analysis of statistical data characterizing the use of economic protection tools by domestic enterprises) and, concluding with the study of the practice of economic protection of enterprises (identification of the sphere of economic protection of the enterprise, advantages and disadvantages of the application of economic protection tools on the example of «Ukrtelecom» PJSC, etc.). The results indicate a change in priorities in the use of global tools for economic protection of the enterprise from tools that provide protection of strategy and corporate finance (strategic planning; statements of purpose, mission and vision; balanced scorecard, etc.) to tools of digital and information protection (customer experience management, digital transformation). Statistical studies of the consequences of economic crimes at enterprises in 2020-2022 proved the reduction of the work of the Economic Security Bureau during the period of martial law and the actualization of social, financial, macroeconomic threats and threats to food security. In the process of microeconomic analysis, the tools of economic protection of «Ukrtelecom» PJSC were investigated, which were grouped according to the priority directions of the enterprise's operation, and their advantages and disadvantages were indicated. Among the main advantages of tools of economic protection, we can mention the presence of fast feedback in the process of client interaction. As for the shortcomings, most of the information protection tools of «Ukrtelecom» PJSC increase the expenditure part of the company's budget, because they require monitoring and updating.


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How to Cite
Shpak, N. (2024). POSITION OF THE USE OF TOOLS OF ECONOMIC PROTECTION OF ENTERPRISES IN THE CONDITIONS OF INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY. Economic Scope, (190), 304-310. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/190-55