Keywords: hotel enterprise, indicators, situation, tendencies, research, activity


The article emphasizes that the hotel industry is the largest share of the tourism industry. It is the level of hospitality development that influences the tourist flow both in the regions and in the country as a whole. The level of investment and profitability of tourism depends on the development of hotel enterprises. Hotel and restaurant enterprises are the largest part of the tourism industry. It is the level of hospitality development that influences the tourist flow both in the regions and in the country as a whole. The level of investment and profitability of tourism depends on the development of hotel and restaurant enterprises. The current state of activity and development of hotel and restaurant enterprises of Ukraine is ambiguous. Solving a number of problems, the activity of hospitality enterprises during the study period partially begins to change the organizational forms of management by forming clusters. Going through all stages of the cluster approach, the company monitors potential participants, analyzes them in different environments, developing the industry through the formation and definition of missions and goals of hotel and restaurant enterprises, creating a portfolio of strategies, developing development concepts and implementing them with constant monitoring, evaluation and evaluation, adjustment of strategies, goals in the direction of continuous development of the hospitality industry, taking into account all the races of potential consumers. The article contains statistical material for the period from 2018 to 2020, which was grouped, analyzed and concluded. The indicators that were included in the study: the main indicators of collective accommodation in Ukraine, the main performance of hotels and similar accommodation in Ukraine, the main performance of other accommodation in Ukraine, the main performance of collective accommodation (legal entities) in Ukraine, main indicators of activity of hotels and similar means of accommodation (legal entities) in Ukraine, main indicators of activity of other means of accommodation (legal entities) in Ukraine. The analysis allows us to comprehend the real situation and conclude that in the collective accommodation facilities for the period 2018–2020 continued constant trends of fluctuations, the number of collective accommodation facilities, their capacity and the number of people staying for the period from 2018 to 2020 It can be noted that in general, after the improvement of the value of indicators, they worsen in connection with the pandemic and, accordingly, the changes that occur in these institutions of collective accommodation. Having considered a number of indicators of activity of hotel indicators and having studied the given situation it is possible to note about it is necessary to change approaches to encouragement of clients introducing the newest incentive systems, etc.


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