Keywords: financial and economic security, HR technologies, bad technologies, bad services


In today's world, HR technologies in the management of financial and economic security have become a key factor in achieving business efficiency and competitiveness. With the constant development of technologies and the growing volume of data, cloud information technologies are becoming an integral part of effective management of financial and economic security and HR technologies. Market subjects are quickly mastering the new possibilities of organizing business communications and are actively included in the electronic business environment. This leads to the fact that access to information technologies becomes not just a competitive advantage, but a necessary condition for the functioning of economic entities. The rapid improvement and spread of cloud technologies is one of those key trends. It has been proven that the use of cloud services is a convenient tool for providing access to information from any device and capable of ensuring its security, which has become especially relevant when conducting business during a pandemic and in times of war. A study of effective management of financial and economic security and HR technologies in conditions of digitalization was carried out. It has been proven that the use of cloud technologies as a tool for managing financial and economic security and HR technologies is effective and provides accounting, planning, control, and protection of the business environment. Advantages and threats affecting the financial and economic security of the enterprise when using cloud technologies are considered. It has been established that cloud information technologies provide the business entity with powerful tools for effective management of financial and economic security and HR. They increase the availability of financial information, optimize budgeting and cost analysis, improve transparency and data security, and reduce operational costs. These advantages make it an integral part of modern business and allow business entities to remain competitive and change rapidly. An example of the use of cloud technologies as a tool for effective management of financial and economic security and HR technologies by a small enterprise in modern business conditions is given. Aspects of application of cloud technologies in accounting are considered, advantages and limitations are determined.


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Nadtochii, I., Kramarenko, I., & Hryshyna, N. (2024). A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF THE STAFF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS. Economic Scope, (190), 187-191. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/190-34