Keywords: mechanical engineering, marketing policy, economic security, structural-functional model, relationship marketing


The article analyzes modern scientific approaches to ensuring the economic security of machine-building enterprises based on the marketing concept of mutual relations. It is established that the appropriate marketing policy in industrial markets is focused on the study of the interaction of companies with business consumers, competitors and other interested parties. It was emphasized that due to the balancing of interests between consumers and producers of products, the appropriate level of economic security of enterprises in the machine-building market is achieved, which allows business entities to form stable relations on a mutually beneficial basis and plan their activities in the long term. It is emphasized that in the context of ensuring the economic security of machine-building enterprises, the marketing policy of mutual relations allows reducing the marketing risks of economic security at the expense of the company achieving competitive advantages by establishing, maintaining and developing long-term relationships with partners in the process of improving production, promotion and sales of products in order to create the value that wants to get a buyer. A conceptual model of the marketing policy of the relationship between the supplier and the consumer in the context of ensuring the economic safety of mechanical engineering has been formed. It is proposed to include elements of the marketing complex in the marketing policy of relations: management of product quality, price / costs, distribution, promotion and quality of service. It has been proven that this approach contributes to the balancing of interests between sellers and buyers of engineering products in the process of ensuring economic security. The complex of works related to the planning and implementation of the marketing policy of mutual relations is proposed to be solved with the help of a process approach based on structural-functional modeling tools, which allows you to streamline the course of action and quickly adjust all aspects of the marketing policy within the framework of a long-term business partnership.


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