Keywords: economic development, economic theories, management concepts, tools of economic development, national economy, національна економ


The speed of economic change in the global environment is so great, and the inertia of modern thinking is so strong that the current economics in some cases simply does not keep up with the changes taking place in the object of its analysis. As a result, there is a conflict between outdated theories and the new reality, there are scientific claims about the systemic crisis of economic theory. The main purpose of the article is to generalize the genesis of theories, models of economic development of the national economy and the formation of a set of tools and mechanisms for the development of economic entities in the modern dimension of management concepts. The methodological basis of scientific research is general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge (methods of scientific deduction and induction, comparison and systematization, synthesis). The author's team systematizes the evolutionary stages of formation of scientific theories, concepts and models of economic development of enterprises on the basis of research of both scientific schools and the provisions of individual representatives of this scientific hypothesis. The digression of basic theories of economic development testifies to the transition of scientific views from a set of models of economic development of closed space, to structural transformations of global scale, taking into account institutional and structural gaps that are inherent in certain countries at different stages of their development. In particular, Ukrainian and foreign practice of implementing national economic models has allowed generalizing the conceptual approaches to models of economic development adapted and based on programs and strategies of socio-economic development of economic entities in the modern dimension of management concepts. Economic development of the national economy as a dynamic complex socio-economic system, self-developing and characterized by cyclical stages of growth and decline of the economy is irreversible, aimed at qualitative and quantitative changes in national development is justified. In modeling the economic development of enterprises of the national economy should take into account the objective patterns of dynamic processes of the socio-economic system, modern management concepts and be based on a balanced assessment of driving forces, sources, resources, factors is defined in the article.


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How to Cite
Klimenko, L., Halahur, Y., & Dluhoborska, L. (2020). EVOLUTION OF THEORIES OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES IN THE MODERN DIMENSION OF MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS. Economic Scope, (156), 20-25. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/156-3

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