Keywords: strategic management, enterprise competitiveness, principles, mechanism, model, strategy, enterprise


The article analyzes the theoretical foundations of the study of the concept of "strategic management" of the enterprise. It is established that the meaningful characteristic of the concept of "strategic management of the enterprise" is a process based on effective management decisions of human capital in accordance with the chosen goals and strategies for rational allocation of resources, which will allow the company to achieve the desired state of competitiveness in the long run. A review of the economic literature on the essence of the definition of "enterprise competitiveness". Taking into account the opinions of well-known scientists, it is proved that the competitiveness of the enterprise is a set of opportunities of the enterprise to effectively use its resource potential for the production and sale of competitive products (services) in order to obtain the desired results. In the course of the analysis of the substantive characteristics of the definition of "strategic management" and "competitiveness of the enterprise", revealed the essence of the concept of "strategic management of enterprise competitiveness", which is proposed to be considered as a continuous and multifaceted process, which is implemented through the categories of unity, coherence and internal consistency of strategic decisions of human capital, focus on obtaining long-term competitive advantages in the market with timely adjustment of goals and strategies, which will help the company to choose in a timely manner ways of innovation, structural adjustment or crisis management. This gave grounds for systematization and identification of specific features of this concept in accordance with the principles of management (the principle of self-organization, the principle of complexity, the principle of perspective, the principle of diversification, the principle of phasing and cyclicality, the principle of resource reservation, the principle of priority, the principle of reflection). In conditions of fierce competition there is a need to form a mechanism for strategic management of enterprise competitiveness, which will ensure the effective operation of the enterprise in the long run on the competitive advantages, which will create an opportunity for the company to act effectively and efficiently by developing and implementing competitors.


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Yevtushenko, N., Drokina, N., & Savenko, A. (2020). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS: THEORETICAL ASPECT. Economic Scope, (156), 129-135.