Keywords: enterprise, marketing, assortment, trade, product, PR events


The processes of economic transformation in Ukraine have led to a new fundamental understanding of business activities. The development of market relations and increased competition highlight the need to fresh approaches in business activities focused on increasing the profits and competitive capacilty of the enterprise. Ensuring the profitability and competitive capacilty of the enterprise shall most commonly be determined by the ability of the range of goods of the enterprise to suitably meet the existing consumer demand at the level of quality and quantity. This direction acquires a special significance in modern conditions, when the consumer demands higher standards of quality and range, and all financials of the company, as well as its market share depend on how efficient it works with the range of goods. Thus, improving the efficiency of product range management of the enterprise is a critical task in modern business conditions. The product is the primary element of the marketing complex on which the success of the market activity of the enterprise depends crucially. You can improve other elements of the marketing complex (price, distribution, promotion) as much as you want, but all efforts will be useless without the main element – the product effective in consumption and manufacture. Because, if the product does not meet consumer demands, or if its features lose out to the competing products, it is almost impossible to hope for success. Every day, the company faces the need to respond quickly to every change in the market situation, which, first of all, affects the range of goods. The product range policy is one of the major objectives of the management system, as the consumers’ attitude to products determines the possibility for it to exist and develop. Therefore, the elaborated product range policy is the basis of stability, profitability, individuality, competitive capacity of each company and, ultimately, it determines the company’s success in the market. Moreover, the product range policy is the one of the most important tools of the company to operate in the market.


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How to Cite
Znachek, R., Sokoliuk, K., & Muntyan, I. (2020). RESEARCH OF THE PRODUCTS RANGE OF THE PRIVATELY OWNED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «BEZLIUDIVSKYI MEAT PLANT». Economic Scope, (156), 136-139. Retrieved from