Keywords: logistics, logistics services, logistics management, logistics complex, marketing services, marketing mix


The article examines the role and interaction of logistics management and marketing in the field of logistics services. It is noted that in the national market of logistics services the number of companies offering logistics outsourcing services is increasing. The market of logistics services of Ukraine at the present stage of development is represented at all levels of logistics service. They are: First Party Logistics (1 PL) – autonomous logistics; Second Party Logistics (2 PL) – traditional logistics services; Third Party Logistics (3PL) – traditional and additional services; Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) – integration of all companies involved in the supply chain; Fifth Party Logistics (5PL) – online logistics. Enterprises should introduce a logistical approach to the management system to ensure the required level of company's potential using and the formation of competitive advantages. The importance of logistics management to improve the development potential of enterprises is to identify and use the main areas of influence on the effective functioning of the supply chain based on the development of tactical and operational measures. It was found that the marketing of services has a dual purpose – to maximize the profits of the enterprise providing services and meet consumer demand. Features and purposes of marketing of services are considered. It was proposed а number of activities to achieve the goals of marketing logistics services. In particular: study of consumer requirements and the level of their satisfaction; analysis of market competition and research of competitors; demand formation and expansion of the range of logistics services; ensuring flexible and efficient pricing policy; using of sales promotion activities; organization of technical service and advertising. The interaction of the marketing-mix in the services market (7P) and the logistics-mix (7R) with the focus on meeting consumer demands is reflected. The following directions of action of synergetic effect from interaction of marketing and logistics at the enterprise are revealed: general acceleration of material flow; reduction of total costs by avoiding conflicts of partial costs; increasing the level of logistics service (level and quality of service).


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How to Cite
Reshetnikova, O., Danylenko, V., & Borovik, T. (2020). THE ROLE OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING IN THE FIELD OF LOGISTICS SERVICES. Economic Scope, (156), 151-154.

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