Keywords: machine-building enterprises, investments, innovation activity, consumer value, product export capacity, structural transformations


The problem of substantiation of Ukraine economy industrial sector structural transformations has been actualized in the work. It has been noted that this sector enterprises in each country are the main producers of added value and filling the budget – if only they produce competitive products. The paper relied on the thesis that the products competitiveness is a reflection of its consumer value generated in the innovation activities process. As the global market under the pandemic influence has suffered significant losses from violations of consumer value chains, it has been made an assumption that domestic enterprises may enter them. To substantiate these, the structural and dynamic analysis of the industrial sector enterprises activities has been conducted, distinguishing among them machine-building as the basis for the reproduction of production systems of other industries. Attention has been focused on comparing the investment processes dynamics, the innovation activities results and products sales volumes, including exports. According to the results of the study, it has been concluded that there is an insufficient connection between the investment volumes to the machine-building sector and its innovation and technological renewal, which leads to the machine-building products competitiveness decrease in foreign markets. It has been marked a low part of investment in intangible assets and the software cost predominance in their structure, which indicates the priority of management processes digital transformation, rather than the creation of intellectual property. The consequence of this imbalance is the innovative products part in total sales decrease. It has been emphasized that the priorities in industrial enterprises investing development should be investing to the innovations implementation with sufficient market potential, which can form the basis of innovation monopoly and promote the enterprises's entry into global value chains with a favorable negotiating position. In machine-building sphere, these can accelerate the transition of enterprises to the high-tech sector, increasing the efficiency of structural transformations of the national economy.


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