Keywords: sustainable development goals, recycling, resources, products, innovation, digitalization, technology, agricultural machinery


The article is concerned with studying the processes of forming strategies of agricultural enterprises in a circular economy. It is noted that the successful functioning of enterprises depends on the development and implementation of appropriate strategies. It is proved that when formulating a strategy by agricultural enterprises in the context of implementing the circular economy model, it is necessary to focus on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by introducing innovative methods and technologies that minimize the consumption of limited resources, stimulate their replacement with renewable ones, prevent losses and stimulate reuse and recycling. It is substantiated that the concept of circular economy in the agro-industrial complex corresponds to the basic principles of agriculture and has features that ensure its implementation. It is noted that only the introduction of digital innovations creates the conditions for the implementation of the circular economy concept in agriculture (due to the innovative component, a wide range of directions for the use of waste and secondary resources is provided, and the process of adaptation to natural, economic, environmental, social and sectoral features is carried out). Livestock waste (manure, dung, litter, etc.) can be used as a source of fertilizers for crop production and biogas production. At the same time, large quantities of livestock waste can be dangerous, pollute the environment, cause unpleasant odors, etc. Insufficiently developed technologies for processing manure and litter cause environmental, social and economic costs. All of this complicates the operations of livestock and poultry enterprises. The formation of a strategy by agricultural enterprises in a circular economy involves the use of innovative technologies for manure and litter processing, which should not only reliably disinfect them but also preserve their nutrients to the maximum extent possible. Increasing crop yields and preserving humus is achieved not only through fertilization. Soil cultivation technology also plays a significant role in this. The concept of a circular economy continues to evolve. The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals is achieved within the framework of general innovation processes taking place in the economy and society. Today, the introduction of innovations involves taking into account the social, economic and environmental needs of various economic actors. A promising area of research is the elaboration of a strategy for the development of a circular digital agricultural economy.


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How to Cite
Kononenko, L., Sysolina, I., & Sysolina, N. (2023). FORMATION OF STRATEGY BY AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Economic Scope, (184), 91-94.